Look what Tony V and his fifteen fiefs left you under the Christmas tree! E-RIP will result in the greatest loss of skilled, experienced employees from Recreation and Parks in the history of the City.
Are you ready for it?
Prepare yourself:
ERIP and the Budget: Honor Among Bureaucrats in the Face of Official Deceit (RonKayeLA.com)
"Golden Handshakes" enable poor parks management decisions, policies, personnel losses (Griffith Park Wayist)
L.A. city retirements threaten a deep and lasting legacy (LA Times)
L.A. analysts project $1-billion budget gap by 2013 (LA Times)
....and just when you think you understand what they've done to us, you then see this:
Villaraigosa: 2009 was 'one of the best years we've had' (LA Daily News)
L.A. council unanimously approves raises for DWP employees (LA Times)