GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
Send us your stories, ideas, and information. Insiders welcome - confidentiality guaranteed.

stories along The Way

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why leashes are good law

This horrifying incident of a coyote-snatching of a beloved pet dog occurred just up the arroyo from Griffith Park near Debs Park. With the urbanization of coyote populations, it could have happened almost anywhere. And it does.

They may look like a pet dog, but coyotes are swift, effective and lethal opportunists. Keep your pets safe by always using leashes, and  please   please   please   do not feed coyotes. Ever.

Everyone's heart here at GPW goes out to Don and Mellie. Peace.

Dear friends,

Don was doing his everyday routine walking at the park close to where we live when our beloved little yorkie, maltese, terrier dog Tecin was grabbed by a coyote. Don tried to chase the coyote but the beast took the little dog in the thick bushes. Don tried to go in but it was too late. He didn't see the coyote or the dog anymore.

Tecin had a mind of a human being. When I come home from work everyday she would run to me and wouldn't stop barking till I pick her up and give her a kiss. She was originally from Canada, owned by Don's daughter. Tanya brought her to us because Erin our granddaughter was allergic to other breed. Tecin who had a silky hair was not shedding and so it was okay for Erin to have her. Tecin was a very good hunter. She would chase mice eating and destroying my garden produce. Although she was supposed to be for Erin, she ended up living with us and loved Don more than everybody else in the household. Don recently discovered a game with her, where he would put a treat down on the floor and pretend that he would take it away from her. She would growl and guard the piece of treat till Don gives up while laughing so hard.

A long time ago I knew somebody who mourned deeply when she lost her dog. I didn't understand it very well back then thinking it was just a dog but now I understand. I feel the same pain.  We lost a family member.

Thank you all for reading my thoughts.
