Busy Beth's Blog has a nice write up on her impressions of Fern Dell and the Observatory with a bit of history sprinkled in for good measure:
The Western Canyon entrance at Griffith Park (the one with the “Golden Bear” statue welcoming you) is right near the entrance to one of my favorite parts of Griffith Park, Ferndell. The entrance is on the west side of the road, and you can miss it if you’re not paying attention. It’s an amazing place that makes you feel like you’ve left L.A. , or maybe stepped back in time a few million years (though there are always clues like floating KFC buckets to remind you of where and when you are).
It’s always cool and shady there thanks to a tree canopy, and the narrow, winding path lined with benches takes you along a gurgling brook where you view tropical plants, and 50 fern species. It’s also an historic cultural monument, as archaeological evidence suggests that there were Indian villages in Ferndell canyon.
Read the full article here.
Fern Dell image by Dot Wen