GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
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stories along The Way

Friday, April 15, 2011

[HexWatch 2011] LAT/Glendale News-Press Provide Minimum Daily Required Irony

Fantastic article straight from the lips of an LADWP spokesman and through the pen of writer Bill Kisliuk about multi-million dollar plans to install 110 million gallon water tanks at Headworks that "will keep our drinking water in compliance."
Last I knew, Hex Chrome VI penetrates people, animals, and water tanks, pipes, etc.
If you're an unsuspecting male LADWP worker at Headworks, it's a terrific job if you enjoy the nightlife and don't want the hassle of getting bogged down by a family.
Favorite line:
The locals most familiar with Headworks are equestrians in the Burbank and Glendale Rancho neighborhoods who use tunnels underneath the 134 Freeway to get to Griffith Park trails.
My coffee almost came out my nose when I read the quote from the woman who brought her horse through Tunnel 7 and said that the construction machines can be scary...for her horse...while she stands on contaminated dirt, breathing the dust of an area infused with one of the most deadly toxic substances known to man. A toxic substance that has no safe level.