GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
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stories along The Way

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

HexWatch 2011: legal pile-on begins, LaBonge goes green?

Healthy rumor comes to Griffith Park Wayist that following the EPA's lead, yet another major governmental entity is about to pile on Walt Disney Studios in Burbank by dropping another set of major papers on them.

These lawsuits allege that Disney has not only dumped huge amounts of toxic Chromium 6 into the LA River via Headworks, seriously contaminating Griffith Park and local residents for the better part of a century, but that the studio has engaged in major efforts to cover up the crime.

The timing of this reveal is very interesting with an important election in CD 4 taking place in just weeks. Might Tom LaBonge have learned about this alleged crime and finally taken a true enviro stand by orchestrating this reveal?

If true, this blog is going to have to do some serious re-evaluation of the politician's career.

If true, we'll be happy to do it.