GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
Send us your stories, ideas, and information. Insiders welcome - confidentiality guaranteed.

stories along The Way

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jane Usher should run for City Council

Jane Usher should run for City Council.

As chair of the Planning Commission, she proved herself a friend to neighborhood councils and the public as she spoke up loudly against SB1818 - the State's insane high density bonus legislation and the illegal and immoral way the City of Los Angeles was attempting to implement it.

Usher has the name recognition and the respect of many people, except for perhaps a certain bloggin' buddy of ours.

Usher has the experience in the public sector, and she would likely have the support of the City Attorney's office.

Let's hear from Jane herself as to what her stand would be on certain local CD 4 hotbutton issues, and not paint her with the actions of her employers. Then decide as to whether you would vote for her.