GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
Send us your stories, ideas, and information. Insiders welcome - confidentiality guaranteed.

stories along The Way

Friday, June 25, 2010

Griffith Park nature hike Saturday AM

Don't forget to hike with Ranger Ernie in Griffith Park tomorrow!

Saturday June 26th: 8-11am— Beginner  to moderate level walk to Amir’s Garden starts and ends at the Ranger Station, 4730 Crystal Springs Dr. Walk covers about four miles. Hikers will get to see Shane’s Inspiration (the department’s first boundless playground, designed for use by children of all abilities), traverse part of Mineral Wells Trail, and go up about 300 steps to Amir’s Garden.  Dress appropriately and bring plenty of water and snacks.

For more information, contact Park Ranger Ernie Ybarra
at (323) 644-6661, ext. 1549,
or by e-mail at   ernie.ybarra(at)