GPW: Self-Tempered Anarchy since 2009

Your GPW Editor-on-Occasion is Petra Fried in the City.
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stories along The Way

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Huizar introduces motion voiding Rec and Parks', Sanders' Autry approval

Following questionable action by the Recreation and Parks Commission to approve the Autry's expansion in Griffith Park without provision for the Southwest Museum, Jose Huizar moved quickly to counter.

Council motion 11-0884 is scheduled to be heard at Council next Tuesday.... It takes 10 votes to be approved.

If you concur, please contact your councilmember ASAP and let them know you support this motion.

Seems like Latham & Watkins alum Barry Sanders is working awfully hard lately for his former employer. Sanders' recent high profile conflicts of interest could be enough to get him kicked off the Recreation and Parks Commission any day now.

City Council motion 11-0884:


At its meeting of May 20, 2011 the Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners acted to approve "the proposed renovations of existing exhibit in the galleria, and outdoor area and restrooms at the Autry National Center's Museum of the American West," as described in the Summary of the General Manager's Report No. 11-129 and depicted in Exhibit A to that Report.

Legitimate concerns have been raised as to the nature of tills Board action. And notwithstanding the ultimate decision in this matter the public is entitled to a full airing of this issue and to ample opportunity to express their views.

For the above reasons, the Council should assert jurisdiction over the above referenced Recreation and Park Commission Board action.

I THEREFORE MOVE that pursuant to Section 245 of the Los Angeles City Charter, the City Council assert jurisdiction over the May 20, 2011 Board of Recreation and Park Commissioners action to approve the proposed renovations of existing exhibit in the galleria, and outdoor area and restrooms at the Autry National Center's Museum of the American West, as described in the Summary of the General Manager's Report No. 11-129 and depicted in Exhibit A to that Report.

I FURTHER MOVE that upon assertion of jurisdiction, the matter be referred to Committee for further review.

Motion made by Jose Huizar, seconded by Ed Reyes