An $185 million budget deficit is equivalent to:
- 1500 layoffs
- selling off of parking
- hysteria in council chambers
- hysteria throughout the City's constituent-based departments
- CAO-cum-Mayor's-Personal-Tool stealing back what he is forced to allow departments to have by City charter
Next year?
Number on the street is close to a $300 million deficit as the best case scenario, That's what...
- another 4300 employees laid off?
- the sell-off of all City assets?
- the breakdown of all internal competency as the E-RIP brain drain hits the City service-public interface?
- 10 departments completely eliminated? 15?
- a breakdown of basic human rights and services?
No way. We're not playing anymore. No more hysteria. No more lies. No more prayers.
It's time for financial reorganization.... yes - the B-Word.
Get a grip.
Stop fooling yourselves.
Pull your heads out.
Embrace Chapter 9.
Hire the firm.
Restore order.
Move forward toward the light on the other end of the financial reorganization tunnel in an orderly manner.
Thank you.