Mayor Garcetti released his 2015-16 City Budget a couple weeks ago. Included in the
Recreation and Parks response to the Mayor's proposed budget is this:
"Approved the Park Ranger Regeneration Program ($1,200,000) which will allow RAP to implement the re-establishment of the Metro District Rangers Program. This is the first phase in a multi-year plan. It is expected each year a new region will become active. The Regeneration Program is expected to improve "quality of park life" issues by establishing a ranger presence throughout the City."
The Regeneration Program? Sounds like a plotline from the fantasy show,
Doctor Who. The written proof of this plan is just as elusive. There are no City Council motions or searchable documents on this plan. Ranger supporters turned out and spoke out loudly for what was the last "plan," making their case for the Optimum investment in the Park Ranger program.
You can read about that here. The report was filed, and it's been crickets on the issue in the public process of City Hall since then.

Now, *magic* - another new,
different plan. And, apparently, Griffith Metro gets it all from what is implied here. Meanwhile, 10 Rangers barely covers the attrition in the past few years, much less provides any new service.
Also worth noting is that there is no sign of a Chief Park Ranger in that budget. I did not think
a POST Agency could exist without a Chief due to things like
chain-of-command, and all that related peace officer silliness. Thinking it's time to ask California POST directly about this.